You signed up with blogger and created a Gmail address.  Now it is time to create a new blogger post. But before posting it is very necessary to understand the blogger dashboard. Because without knowing it is very difficult to start with the blogger platform.  Here in this free blogger tutorial, we will discuss the dashboard of the blogger platform in the succeeding paragraphs.

blogger dashboard
How To Use Blogger Dashboard

Go to and log in with your Gmail address. You will see a button that says Create New Blog, click this button and you will be redirected to the blogger dashboard. 

On the left-hand side, find the blogger dashboard.

1.  At the top you will see the View Blog button, click that button and an existing blog will open in a new tab.

The Posts button is used to display all your blog posts. When you click this button you will see three more drop-down options namely All, Draft, and Published. Click the All button and you will see all your published and draft posts. Drafts are the posts still unpublished, and Published are the posts that are running. 

The Stats button is another option in the blogger dashboard, that has more four drop-down options namely Overview, Posts, Traffic Sources, and Audience. The Overview option only applies to page views, which means how many times your page was viewed today, yesterday, this month, and all-time history. It also shows your blog followers.  The Posts tab shows the number of times your blog posts have been viewed. Traffic Sources tell you where traffic is coming from. The last one is Audience, which shows the number of audience in an individual country, and also distinguishes between sex.

Comments are another option on the blogger dashboard that has more three options namely Published, Awaiting Moderation, and Spam. The published comments are the recommended comments. Awaiting moderation is still being checked, and Spam is the comments that are unacceptable or may harm your blog or website.

Earning option displays your AdSense earnings.  In this tab, you can link your blog to AdSense for monetization.

To create a new page in your blog use the Pages option in the blogger dashboard.

The Layout option tells you, what your blog will look like.  Here you can change various gadgets and customize the design of your blog.

Click the Theme tab and select a theme for your blog from the available themes.

Free blogger tutorial provides you the best blogger dashboard tutorial.  If you find this post helpful, please share it with your friends.  If you are experiencing difficulties with the blogger dashboard, please write your problem in the comments section, we will try to solve your problem.